single vs dual purpose k9s

Single vs Dual Purpose K9

Single vs dual purpose k9

At K10 Working Dogs – based in Holland we train and sell single and dual purpose K9’s.

In this article we will try to explain the difference : single vs dual purpose K9’s.

Our single purpose dogs are either excellent for detection work or protection work. They can only be used for a single purpose. 

single vs dual purpose k9s

Dual purpose dogs have two major characteristics : they can be used for detection work, but also for protection or security work.

Dual purpose dogs are often used as patrol dogs by law enforcement agencies (Police or private security companies). 

Single Purpose Working Dogs

Single purpose dogs are carefully selected by our staff. They are all between 12 and 18 months old. We offer green single purpose dogs, pretrained or semi single purpose dogs and fully trained single purpose dogs. 

All dogs come with an international passport. Vaccination and medical records are registered in the passports. X-rays of hips and elbows are available. 

Contact us for availability and prices

Dual Purpose Working Dogs

Dual purpose dogs can be used for more than one purpose. They can be used as patrol dog for police law enforcement. Dual purpose working dogs have detecting and protecting skills. 

At K10 Working Dogs we train our dogs on a daily basis by experienced trainers and handlers.  

We sell our duals at very competitive prices. Please feel free to ask for a price quotation and drop us a line at our contact page.

At K10 Working Dogs we train and sell single and dual purpose dogs are competitive prices to customers in the world. We can assist you while staying in the Netherlands, while selecting the dogs you need.

We have our own medical department available for customers and can help you with hotel facilities near our kennel in Holland. 

Because of very intensive contact with major animal transport companies we are able to give you excellent assistance for shipments of dogs and equipment.