are police dogs friendly ?

Are Police Dogs Friendly ?

Are Police Dogs Friendly ?

We often get the question : are police dogs friendly ? Lots of people think police dogs are mainly aggressive dogs. In practice we see actually the opposite. Generally spoken police dogs are friendly and social dogs, but they can be aggressive while on duty of course.

are police dogs friendly ?

More and more our customers ask for social dogs. This means they should be ‘friendly’ and easy to handle by the handler. 

As a matter of fact, we select our dogs on social behavior. They should show this in different areas. 


Of course it may differ a little bit. For example Labradors and Pointers are considered more friendly. The same goes for Springer Spaniels. Shepherds however have a somewhat ‘different’ image. Most of the people believe that these dogs (shepherds) show aggressive behavior. 

When K10 Working Dogs‘ staff selects dogs, they are all ‘checked’ on social behavior. They are extensively tested on it. So, in that matter, you will not find aggressive or mean dogs in our kennels. 


All our canines should be able to be assigned on a job. This can be as police dog (for protection or detection or both), security dog or military working dog

Our police dogs are sold as single purpose or dual purpose dogs


All our dogs come with international passports that will hold medical records. Also the passports hold vaccination records.

All dogs are also x-rayed on hips and elbows and qualified according international standards. 

Selecting police dogs

How do our customers select police dogs ? Most of them come over to our kennel in the Netherlands and handselect their dogs. 

All our dogs can be tested by the customers, so they can actually select the best dogs available.

Some of our customers bring their own veterinarian. 

Transportation of dogs

K10 Working dogs ships worldwide. We have customers all over the world and assist them with shipping the dogs to their country.

We have excellent contacts with international animal transport agencies like :

  • ATF (Amsterdam)
  • Skyfast (Brussels)
  • Fracht (Amsterdam and Brussels)
  • ZooLogistics (Amsterdam and Brussels)

All dogs are transported in special dog kennels that are approved by all major airlines.

Before leaving our kennels all dogs are medically checked by a veterinarian who visits our kennels.